In Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa, has been re-elected, while his opponent and former Army commander , General Fonseka, remains holed up in his hotel room, surrounded by soldiers that once obeyed his commands. Presumably he is wondering what he will do/what will be done to him next?
I don't know how long that car has been in that driveway for. (Or whose car or driveway it is for that matter either). Radiant living.
/ˈreɪdiənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [rey-dee-uhnt] Show IPA
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1. emitting rays of light; shining; bright: the radiant sun; radiant colors.
2. bright with joy, hope, etc.: radiant smiles; a radiant future.
3. Physics. emitted or propagated by radiation.
4. Heraldry.
a. noting a partition line having a series of flamelike indentations formedby ogees joined in zigzags; rayonny.
b. (of a charge, as an ordinary) having an edge or edges so formed.
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