I am not one to exaggerate or generalise but Walpole street is seemingly a dangerous, wasteful place; what with pigeons getting run over on Monday, his/her death hardly mourned, and now the glass of bus stands getting smashed in, it would seem a lot of negative things are happening on the street. Well two things. Actually make that potentially three. Potentially, depending on whether you are a climate skeptic or not. But three for me, because I have nothing to report from the Boroondara City Council (The City of Harmony) in regards to the street lamp on Walpole street near the corner of Walton street in Kew that remains on during the day.
It is stated in a generic email sent by the council that it takes a maximum of ten days for them to respond to email enquiries. I have sent them another email today in the hope that I may get a reply sooner than that. See the email below. The fire starts in your own backyard.
I wrote you yesterday about the street lamp at Walton and Walpole streets in Kew yesterday.
It still remains on. Hoping for a prompt response and wishing you a good day.
Online enquiry
Thank you for your enquiry.
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